It has been thought for a very long time that bad eyesight was genetic and that no matter what if our parents had a poor vision which required strong glasses or contacts that we were predestined for the same fate. Recently, it has become more widely accepted that only a negligible portion of babies born in the United States have a predisposition toward poor eyesight and that for a large majority of us, our eyesight starts out perfect, and deteriorates at different rates based on a variety of circumstances. As a result, just as external or controlled factors contribute to our poor eyesight, those same factors can be trained and managed to improve eyesight naturally. Modern medicine is starting to show that although we may be born with perfect vision, we effectively”unlearn” proper vision techniques and train our brain and our eyes to see poorly.
The new information that is circulating is challenging some of the enduring beliefs about the eyesight that we have all become accustomed to. The most obvious of these beliefs is that a newborn infant does not have the ability to focus their eyesight until they reached four months of age. More and more people now believe that newborns can focus clearly almost immediately, a fact supported by an interesting scientific study. It was a study that concluded that an action like sucking intently on a pacifier at the sight of a photograph of their mother sharpened their visual focus and that the degree of focus shifted according to the intensity of their sucking. The more studies which are done, the more surprising things we continue to learn about the wonderful, natural, complexities of our bodies.
For anyone who relies on glasses, or contacts, or even LASIK surgery to see clearly, that for a significant period of time, you enjoyed perfect vision, and that at some point, visual stress impacted your eyesight, causing its weakening and the need for vision modification through unnatural methods. The rate of vision deterioration has increased generation by generation, and now over fifty percent of us would be considered to have poor vision. The result of this has been a society where we take glasses and contacts for granted, and the only real question is whether we can afford LASIK to avoid the inconvenience of the other two. We have spent so much time believing that treating poor eyesight is the only alternative, few realize that just as our eyes were trained to not see clearly, they can be trained to see clearly again, and it can be done naturally. The question of how to improve eyesight is now almost exclusively responded to with the artificial solution which is not solutions at all, but rather temporary patches.
When it comes to eyesight, and how critical it is to our life experience, our relationships, our careers, and so many other things, it is hard for me to believe that vision exercises and natural eyesight improvement are not as much a part of our daily routines as our daily trip to the gym.
One century ago, only a tiny percentage of the population wore glasses, and that has grown dramatically for the past one hundred years. If only 9% of our ancestors wore glasses, how could we have inherited bad vision? The point is that it is not genetically based and that we do have the opportunity to rebuild our vision. You can now move past the “bad genetic eyesight” myth, and take action to restore your natural vision.